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Romania Hubs

W ING Hubs Romaniawpływ nie jestdodatkiem. To motor naszej pracy.

Aute id eu anim

Cupidatat est sit pariatur velit tempor velit ullamco irure non nisi ea. Commodo mollit dolor veniam cillum. Voluptate magna et et laboris ea ipsum nostrud. Commodo incididunt non qui sit incididunt reprehenderit non.

Our offices

The spaces we inhabit say a great deal about who we are and reveal meaningful evidence of our personality and identity.

We believe a well-crafted culture requires a made-to-measure workplace, one fit to embody our capabilities, stamina and way of working.

The headquarters in Bucharest

We moved into our headquarters in 2022, a space that feeds the imagination and invites innovation. It’s located on Calea Victoriei 174-176 and is well-connected to the city centre.

The local office in Cluj-Napoca

The second office we opened in Romania in 2022 shares our culture while understandably preserves the local community approach.As hybrid working is the norm at ING Hubs Romania, this space is open to employees from the North-West region. Find us on Teodor Mihali 62.

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Jaka jest Twoja wiedza specjalistyczna w ING Hubs Romania?

W ING Hubs Romaniamamy trzy odrębne specjalizacje. Gdzie pasujesz?

Tech capabilities


Wprowadzaj innowacje i zarządzaj naszą infrastrukturą technologiczną, aby wspierać rozwój biznesu. Bądź technologicznym guru napędzającym naszą cyfrową ewolucję.

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Zarządzanie ryzykiem

Identyfikuj, oceniaj i ograniczaj ryzyko, aby chronić nasze aktywa. Bądź strategiem chroniącym nasze przedsiębiorstwo.

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Dane, modelowanie i analityka

Wykorzystaj dane, aby wyciągnąć wnioski i pomóc w podejmowaniu decyzji. Bądź potęgą analityczną napędzającą nasze strategiczne przedsięwzięcia.

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Data Management

The Data Management area is focused on several capabilities that deliver the Global Data strategy for ING. Our BusDevOps teams design, develop, and run the Datalake platform; our specialists are responsible for numerous activities related to data governance & protection, data policies & controls, data quality, IT assets development and operation, in ING Hubs Romania’s capacity as data platform producer and consumer, resulting from the close collaboration between various ING business units and domains.

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Touchpoint Integration & Channels

The Touchpoint Integration & Channels area is focused on a differentiating experience for the ING customers in the digital channels. Our DevOps teams’ purpose is streamlining ING’s global IT architecture. The Touchpoint platform supports simplifying and standardizing banking applications and creating a modularly built system, free from constrains and ordinary limitations, and our specialists contribute to the process of building a globally scalable banking platform.

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Emerging capabilities

Retail Operations

The Retail Operations hub’s purpose is to develop long-lasting operations in the Hubs and to contribute to a smarter and faster ING retail organisation, by running reliable and scalable solutions created by its experts. The services and operational processes are delivered in various areas, such as daily banking, lending, mortgages, and savings products across five ING retail units.

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Non-Financial Risk & Compliance

The Non-Financial Risk & Compliance hub was created in Romania in 2017 to increase efficiency of existing activities through standardisation and automation. The hub is committed to keeping ING safe, secure and complaint, and leverages of its four areas of expertise: Operational Risk Management, Information Risk Management, Compliance Centre of Expertise, and Independent Validation Unit. Our non-financial risk specialists work in close alignment with the local corporate specialist to deliver expertise and services to ING communities around the globe.

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Our specialists manage and execute a straightforward audit process, in line with audit plan assigned for Cybercrime and IT Security areas, and for Compliance related audits. CAS, an independent assurance function, provide assurance on the quality and effectiveness of ING’s internal controls, risk management, governance and implemented systems and processes.

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H2 - Title

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Our progress on climate

Meet the people of ING Hubs Romania

The Data Detective
The Software Whisperer

Society is transitioning to a low-carbon economy. So are our clients, and so is ING. We finance a lot of sustainable activities, but we still finance more that’s not. See how we’re progressing.

Our progress on climate

H2 - Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Section 9 video

Society is transitioning to a low-carbon economy. So are our clients, and so is ING. We finance a lot of sustainable activities, but we still finance more that’s not. See how we’re progressing.

Our progress on climate

Najnowsze oferty pracy w ING Hubs Romania