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Benefits in Hong Kong

Dependable benefits so you can focus on the important things

Progressive benefits

What’s the key to job satisfaction for you?

Every day, we’re working on digital innovations for ING’s 8.5 million customers. We are a bank with data-driven ambitions. Times are rapidly changing, and we want to become even more agile during this digital journey. We are doing this together with our employees. So, when it comes to your job and the perks, what makes you happy?
At ING, our mission is to ‘empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business’ – not only our customers, but also our employees. In line with this, we offer a unique – and sometimes even surprising – benefits package.

Progressive benefits

What’s the key to job satisfaction for you?

Every day, we’re working on digital innovations for ING’s 8.5 million customers. We are a bank with data-driven ambitions. Times are rapidly changing, and we want to become even more agile during this digital journey. We are doing this together with our employees. So, when it comes to your job and the perks, what makes you happy?
At ING, our mission is to ‘empower people to stay a step ahead in life and in business’ – not only our customers, but also our employees. In line with this, we offer a unique – and sometimes even surprising – benefits package.

Heading 2

Quisque ac posuere diam. Maecenas tincidunt quis enim et euismod. Fusce eget finibus sem. Duis iaculis nisi eu neque porta sagittis. Cras in feugiat magna, ac varius diam. In et scelerisque mauris.

Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis risus est. Duis pulvinar eros diam, sed tempus nisl venenatis eget.

Heading 4

Sed id semper eros. Ut non elit vel ex tristique tincidunt. Ut porta velit velit, non blandit mi auctor gravida. Aenean aliquam ligula quam, non pharetra ante tincidunt sit amet. Donec consequat malesuada mauris, non condimentum arcu porta non. Sed facilisis tortor eros, a fringilla dui commodo a. Pellentesque pharetra, quam gravida pretium blandit, eros magna tincidunt enim, a porta quam nulla quis diam.
This line starts with a break
This line also starts with a break

Here's a blockquote 👇

Etiam et bibendum lacus, et tempus lacus. Suspendisse rutrum orci ut feugiat porta. Duis sagittis mattis aliquet.

Bold: Nulla non lectus vel felis consectetur sagittis. Strong: Donec gravida sagittis iaculis.
Emphasis: Nulla ex neque, feugiat vel bibendum in, fringilla eget eros. Italics: In efficitur porta tellus, id pretium nisi.

  1. Ordered list 1
  2. Ordered list 2
  3. Ordered list 3
  • Unordered list 1
  • Unordered list 2
  • Unordered list 3

Link: This is how linking text should appear.

This is a test of a table
Image with captain under
Image Caption

Example of LARGE image

Example of text and image with no alignment 

Example of text and image center no alignment

Example of text with justfied text

Example of image and text with left alignment 

Example of image and text with right alignment 

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